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FG Targets Diaspora Funds To Achieve Broadband Target

The Federal Government is set to explore funding from Nigerians living in

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FG May Reduce Airlines’ Taxes, Charges To Grow Sector

There are strong indications that the Federal Government may revise some of

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CISLAC Tasks FG On Fuel Scarcity, Insecurity, Others

The Civil Society Legislative Advocacy Centre (CISLAC) has challenged the Federal Government

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FG Issues Income Tax CbCR Regulations

Nigeria has issued the Income Tax (Country-by-Country Reporting) Regulations 2018 (the CbCR

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FG, Others Share N655.18bn In December As Revenue Dips

The Federal, State and Local Governments shared the sum N655.177 billion in

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AfDB To Increase Nigeria’s Loan By $2bn In 2019

The President of the African Development Bank, Dr. Akinwumi Adesina, has said

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UAE Modifies First VAT Filing Deadlines

The UAE's Federal Tax Authority (FTA) has changed the deadline for firms

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FAAN Seeks Rectification Of Anomalies In MMA 2 Concession

The Federal Airports Authority of Nigeria has urged the Infrastructure Concession Regulatory

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More Business CEOs Foresee Improved Economic Growth Globally – PwC

As governments across the world continue to respond to the current challenges

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Fidelity Bank Trains Entrepreneurs, Harps on Talent

The Managing Director of Fidelity Bank Plc, Mr. Nnamdi Okonkwo, has advised

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