Wike Lauds Tinubu On Completion Of Abuja Metro Rail Project

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The Minister of the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Nyesom Wike, has commended President Bola Tinubu for his commitment to the funding of the Abuja Metro Rail Line project.

Wike, who made the commendation on Monday during the final  pre-commissioning inspection of the project, said that the project would not have been a reality but for the support of the President.

The minister disclosed that he had given the FCT Administration every necessary support to ensure the success of the project.

He clarified: “Everything was made possible by God and then by Mr President, who has given us, in the FCT, all the necessary support.

“So, if we have done well, it means that Mr President has given us the needed support. So, we want to say thank you to him.

Assuming we are not getting the necessary support from him, this project would not have been a reality today. So, we really thank him very much”, Wike added.

The minister reassured that everything about the project would be completed before next Monday, which is the day scheduled for the inauguration.

He said: “We must thank God Almighty. We are ready. We are good to go.  We just saw one or two things omitted during the design, but we believe that during the full operation, some of those things will be taken into consideration.

“Particularly, I believe that as a standard metro line, where the passengers will be waiting before they board the trains, there should be air-condition.

“I also thought that some of the stations should have skeletal elevators for those who are probably very old and those who may not have the strength to walk or climb the staircases.

“Apart from that, we are happy with the work that has been done and we believe that Nigerians will be happy, particularly residents of the FCT”, the minister added

The President is expected to inaugurate the commercial operation of the Abuja Metro Rail Line project on Monday, May 27, this year.

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