Tag: taxation

Consumers Pay More For Cooking Gas In September – NBS

The National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), reported on Monday that consumers of

Omotola Collins Omotola Collins

Ezekwesili Faults FG On Additional Borrowing Plan

A former federal minister and frontline civil advocate, Dr. Oby Ezekwesili, has

Omotola Collins Omotola Collins

CBN Plans New Regulations To Curb Cybercrime, Other Threats

The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) has hinted that it is working

Omotola Collins Omotola Collins

At The Just Concluded World Bank/IMF Meetings On Sunday In Bali, Indonesia

L-R: The Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), Mr. Godwin

Omotola Collins Omotola Collins

SEC Assures On Stock Market’s Vibrancy Ahead 2019 Elections

The Acting Director General of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC Nigeria),

Omotola Collins Omotola Collins

FG Insists On Borrowing To Fund Capital Budget 2018

Despite warnings by multilateral financial institutions and debt management experts, the   Federal

Omotola Collins Omotola Collins

AfDB’s Room2Run Facility Innovative In Global Lending – Analysts

Investment experts and investors have projected that the $1 billion synthetic Room2Run

Omotola Collins Omotola Collins

FG Targets $35Bn Investment From Diaspora Investment Summit

With barely a month to the Nigerian Diaspora Investment Summit scheduled to

Omotola Collins Omotola Collins

Japan May Announce Consumption Tax Hike Today

The Japanese Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe, is expected to announce on Monday

Omotola Collins Omotola Collins

FIRS Issues Public Notice, Guidelines on Transfer Pricing Regulations

The Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS) has issued a Public Notice that

Omotola Collins Omotola Collins