Tag: revenue

CBN, NAICOM, Others Support NDIC Act Amendment Bill

Public and private sector stakeholders in the financial services sector have expressed

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Airtel Emerges Sole Bidder For 3.5GHz Spectrum Band

The Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) has announced that Airtel Networks Limited emerged

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Bulls Hold Sway On Equities Market, As Investors Gain N32Bn

Trading activities on the floor of the Nigerian Exchange (NGX) Wednesday ended with a

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Shariah Products: Master Plan Targets N5Trn Capitalisation By 2025

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Nigeria has disclosed that the revised edition of the Capital

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NCC-CSIRT Alerts Bank Customers On Xenomorph Malware Risks

The Nigerian Communications Commission's Computer Security Incident Response Team (NCC-CSIRT) has alerted

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China Donates N2.8Bn Centre To Nigeria To Support Farmers

The Chinese Government on Tuesday delivered a China-aid Nigeria Agricultural Demonstration Centre

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