NCC Seeks Stakeholders’ Inputs To Revised Regulatory Instruments

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The Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) has called for stakeholders in the nation’s telecommunications industry to make inputs to three regulatory instruments now being reviewed by it with a view to making them resourcefully robust for sustainable growth of the industry in the years ahead.

The Executive Vice Chairman/chief Executive Officer of the commission, Dr Aminu Maida, made the appeal in his Keynote Address delivered at the opening session of a 3-Day ‘Public Inquiry on the Three Regulatory Instruments’, which kicked off on Tuesday in Abuja.

The industry regulator told the stakeholders that the regulatory instruments “play a vital role in shaping our communications landscape and it is essential that we visit and refine them to address emerging challenges, trends and opportunities.”

He explained that the suspension of issuance of the three telecoms licences namely, Interconnect Exchange Licence, Mobile Virtual Network Operator Licence, and Value Added Service Aggregator Licence was in the interest of the telecoms industry.

According to him, the instruments are vital in ensuring the communications sector meets the demand of the ever-evolving digital age, stressing that the first regulatory instrument titled ‘Telecommunications Networks Interconnect Regulations’ will play a vital role in enabling seamless communication between two different networks, and facilitating the growth of the communication industry in Nigeria.

On the purpose of the review, Maida said exercise remained “crucial to keep pace with technological advancement, foster competition, protect consumer interest, align with international standards and improve regulatory efficiency in the industry.”

On the second instrument titled ‘Guidelines on Procedure for Granting Approval to Disconnect Telecommunications Operators’ Maida pointed out that as the industry continued to evolve, there are many instances where disconnection of operators becomes necessary, adding that these guidelines lay out the procedural framework through which such approvals are granted, ensuring that they are carried out in a transparent and accountable manner.”

He maintained that the third guidelines titled ‘Guidelines for Dispute Resolution’ would be also reviewed since “disputes are an inevitable part of any industry. In fact, it is indisputable in any transaction and having a robust framework to resolve them is crucial, and these guidelines aim to provide a clear and transparent mechanism for resolving conflicts within the communications sector promoting timely resolutions and ensuring that stakeholders are treated fairly.”

Maida said the event was a testament to the NCC’s dedication to transparency and inclusivity to ensure that the voices of all stakeholders were heard and considered

In her address, Acting Head of Legal and Regulatory Services Department of NCC, Mrs. Chizua Whyte, said that as the communications industry continued to evolve with emerging technologies, “Nigeria’s regulatory instruments must adapt swiftly. The Commission’s collaborative efforts with stakeholders have driven significant advancements and will continue to propel the sector forward.”

She noted that the Public Inquiry forum underscored the commitment of the NCC to regulatory excellence and to building a robust communications sector that supports the Nigerian economy.


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