DPR Launches App To Curb Downstream Sector Frauds

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The Department of Petroleum Resources (DPR) has introduced a computer application to monitor how petroleum products in all the filling stations are dispensing products with a view to curbing abuses in the downstream sub-sector.

The DPR Zonal Controller, Port Harcourt Zonal Office, Mr. Bassey Nkanga, who unveiled the Downstream Remote Monitoring System (DRMS) app at the weekend at a 2-Day stakeholders’ forum in Port Harcourt hinted that plans were ongoing by the regulatory agency to deploy the platform nationwide to check hoarding and diversion of products by marketers.

In addition, the Zonal Controller explained that the application would also help marketers to monitor activities in their filling stations and by so doing have good records of sold and available products even when they are not physically present at the stations.

He clarified: “DPR has developed something so that wherever you are you can monitor your filling station, see what you sold and the quantity of products available. We did this to have records on daily basis to see what we have at the close of daily business.
“I can sit in my office and see your station and compare notes. It will enable you to know whether the people are cheating you. We also give you unique numbers and you can also generate your numbers.

“With the Downstream Remote Monitoring system monitors your filling station no matter where you are. It will address corruption and stealing and gives you real-time storage and sales. Each station has a unique number and location. We used the GPS in creating these unique numbers. Procedures to create the numbers will be given to you”, the Zonal Controller added.

Nkanga further warned marketers to eschew all forms of abuses in their product marketing operations as the DPR would not compromise all safety standards and quality of petroleum products sold to users nationwide.

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