Economy News Extra

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FirstBank Promotes Financial Inclusion Among Children With KidsFirst, MeFirst Accounts

First Bank of Nigeria Limited, Nigeria’s premier and leading financial inclusion services

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CBN Lists Criteria For Accessing P-AADS Fund, Beneficiaries

The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) has disclosed that companies, individuals and

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AfDB Develops Project For Member-Countries Extractive Industries’ Revenue Monitoring

The African Development Bank (AfDB) has developed a three-year project to meet

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Border Closure Policy: FG Justifies Concession For Dangote Cement, Others

The Federal Government has confirmed granting Dangote, BUA and a gas supply

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Governor Oyetola Proposes N109.9Bn Budget For 2021

Governor of Osun State, Gboyega Oyetola, on Tuesday presented N109.8 billion Appropriation

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Biden Vows To Prioritize COVID-19 Fight In Economy’s Recovery Agenda

The United States President-elect, Joe Biden, has promised to rebuild all facets

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NNPC Reports $139.5Mn Crude Oil, Gas Exports Sale In August

The Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC), has reported that in August this

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FG Targets $6Bn Yearly Revenue From Blockchain Technology

The National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA) has projected that Nigeria could

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2,074 Nasarawa Farmers Benefit From CBN’s Anchor Borrowers Programme

At least 2,074, farmers in Nasarawa State at the weekend benefitted from

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