Privatisation & Commerce

Latest Privatisation & Commerce News

FG Re-affirms Commitment To Completion Of NIPPs’ Sale

The Federal Government has assured prospective power investors that the five National

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UK, Australia Agree On Free Trade Deal

Britain and Australia on Tuesday announced a free trade deal which the

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NANTS Sympathizes With Traders Over Market Fire Losses

The National Association of Nigerian Traders (NANTS) has sympathized with automobile spare

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Financial Inclusion: TAJBank Opens 3 New Branches, NANTS Lauds Drive

TAJBank, Nigeria’s leading non-interest bank, has opened three new branches in Abuja

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Brexit: European Parliament Ratifies EU-UK Trade Pact

The European Parliament on Wednesday ratified the post-Brexit EU-UK Trade and Co-operation

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Okonjo-Iweala Resumes As New WTO Director General

Nigeria’s former Finance Minister and Supervisory Minister for Economy, Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala,

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