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Actionaid Nigeria To Raise £60m To Tackle Poverty In 26 States

ActionAid Nigeria (AAN) has said that a sum of £60 million will

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Kwara Revenue Agency Rakes In N19.94bn In 2017

Kwara State Internal Revenue Service, KWIRS, generated a total sum of N19.94

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Sterling Bank Lauds NDIC’s Bank Examination Reports’ Quality

Sterling Bank Plc has commended the Nigeria Deposit Insurance Corporation (NDIC) for

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Nigeria Wants AfDB’s Regional Office Located In Abuja

The Federal Government on Thursday demanded for the hosting of the West

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NCC Canvasses Appropriate Pricing Of Broadband

The Executive Vice Chairman of the Nigerian Communications Commission, NCC, Professor Umar

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Ghana Revenue AuthorityTo Prosecute Excise Tax Stamp Defaulters

The Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) has served a notice to the public

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Ireland To Review Local Property Tax

The Irish Finance Department has disclosed its plans to commence a review

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US Supreme Court To Revisit Quill E-Commerce Sales Tax Ruling

The US Supreme Court has accepted to revisit its earlier ruling in

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African Nations Need AfDB’s Support To Mobilise Resources – Adeosun

The Minister of Finance, Mrs. Kemi Adeosun, has advocated the need for

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