
Latest Foreign News

Russia Cautions On Proposed EU Carbon Border Tax Implementation

Russian Deputy Prime Minister, Alexander Novak, on Thursday cautioned that the European

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UK, Australia Agree On Free Trade Deal

Britain and Australia on Tuesday announced a free trade deal which the

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Vertiv Introduces New Micro Data Centre System

Vertiv (VRT), a global provider of critical digital infrastructure and continuity solutions,

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EU, U.S. Reach Truce On Metal Tariffs Dispute

The European Union (EU) and the United States (U.S.) Government have agreed

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Global Minimum Corporate Tax Rate Proposal Gains Traction

President Joe Biden’s campaign promise to crack down on tax-evading multinationals and

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Brexit: European Parliament Ratifies EU-UK Trade Pact

The European Parliament on Wednesday ratified the post-Brexit EU-UK Trade and Co-operation

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Taiwan’s Insurance Value To Hit $8.3Bn In 2024 – Research Firm

Leading data and analytics firm, GlobalData, has projected that Taiwan’s general insurance

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