Agriculture & Agribusiness

Latest Agriculture & Agribusiness News

Revenue: Zenith Bank MD hinges growth on Nigeria’s non-oil sector

Group Managing Director of Zenith Bank, Mr. Ebenezer Onyeagwu, has canvassed the

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Cocoa association forecasts 20% drop in Nigeria’s output

Nigeria’s cocoa output has been projected to drop by at least 20%

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FG Reiterates Commitment To Stronger Partnership With Farmers

The Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development (FMARD), Alhaji Muhammad Sabo Nanono,

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Nigeria Accounts For Over 60% Of Yam Production Globally – FAO

The Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO), has ranked Nigeria as one of

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Nigeria’s GDP Growth Up 2.28% In Q3 2019 – NBS

The National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) on Friday reported that Nigeria’s  Gross

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Nigeria’s Inflation Hits 11.61% In October, Highest In 17 Months

Indications that the recent closure of Nigerian land borders and other fiscal

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